Michael Simonato

It was Saturday morning the 19th of November 2011. Maggie and I went to Cuzco to do some shopping for our baby’s arrival. Maggie had felt some pain the night before but didn’t make a big deal of it. It was still two weeks to go before the expected birth so we wanted to be out in good time to shop for a wolly hat and mattress protectors. The last items we needed for the big day. While in Cuzco, Maggie started to complain that her pain got worse and she felt dizzy. So she called me as I was stuck in a computer shop, and told me to stop arsing and hurry up so we could go home. We met up at the San Pedro market, jumped in a taxi and went home to Huaran.
At home, we had two friends that came over to visit. At this time Maggie was really starting to have contractions. We didn’t think it was time yet but we called Leonie our midwife just to check in with her. Leonie said that we needed to time the contractions if they lasted for 50 seconds. They didn’t so we thought it wasn’t urgent yet. Our friends left and we continued to time the contractions. Leonie was baking a cake for her daughter Emilia’s birthday the following day so we didn’t want to disturb. The contractions continued… 40 seconds, 45 seconds, 48 seconds… and finally it reached 50 seconds. I thought “holy shit, is it happening now”??? I said “Maggie I am calling Leonie now”! I called Leonie and she was really cool and said, “ok I’m just going to collect my things and then I’ll come over.
Maggie was in some kind of denial, like if she tried to pretend that it wasn’t really that urgent. The contractions came on stronger and stronger. I didn’t freak out at all, although I was thrilled but still centered and calm. I mean what to do, if it’s happening it is happening, better just try taking it easy. Besides I had googled stuff so I knew at least that if the baby popped out, I should catch him, keep him warm and not cut the umbilical cord until it clamps… At least I had done my homework so should be ok if Leonie couldn’t make it to our house on time.
Maggie wanted to take a shower so we showered together and I had to hold her up as the contractions intensified. The warm pouring water seemed to calm her down and offer some relief. We went out of the shower and got dressed in cozy clothes and we prepared our home with candles and soft music.
I had made a playlist for the iPod with mantras and devotional music. Maggie started to sink into a trance state, breathing deeper, going deeper inside. It was like if she journeyed in towards her womb to meet our baby, to take his hand and lead him out to us, his expecting parents.
I felt like standing in front of the arrival gate in an airport, all excited to meet our dear friend. I was also scared, “what if something goes wrong, if he can’t make it” but I took charge of my mind and did not allow myself to give in to the fear. I had to be there for Maggie and for our baby and that was the only thing I could do, just to be there and not in my mind.
Leonie and Sue arrived. I had never met Sue before but I felt totally comfortable with her being there. They started to rig up the gears and preparing plants and Leonie was as stable as a mountain, very confident and calm. She had this hypnotic effect on Maggie and kept her right in her center, breathing and feeling with her.
Leonie was so much more than a midwife: she was a mother, father, friend and a mirror for Maggie’s inner strength. Maggie felt calm so we tried to get some rest. Later, Maggie started to feel restless again. The contractions continued and we went for a walk around the garden. She had strong contractions and I had to hold her from time to time. We went back into the house and Leonie prepared a bath with herbs. I remember she said earlier that the baby’s heart rate was a little high but Maggie just needed to eat something and change to looser pants. But now it was good. Ok fine, I didn’t worry because I felt that Leonie was completely on top of the situation. Leonie and Sue went upstairs to get some rest and instructed me to keep Maggie in the bath for 40 minutes but not longer. I woke Sue up when the time was up and she came downstairs, looking a bit drowsy with a messy hair but still very present and shortly after Leonie came down the stairs. She looked a bit like a worker going to the office, a bit like okay; here we go again, time to punch in for another shift, hi guys…
The contractions got stronger, she had to go to the bathroom and I heard Maggie from the bathroom saying, “Leonie I think the water broke”. –Almost in a way like, “hey a think I shit my self!” Leonie just replied “good” and acted so calm, I thought she looked too calm so I asked “so is it happening now?” Leonie looked at me as if I was a moron, smiled and said “yes Michael I think it is happening now”. What happened after was like a massive build-up towards a crescendo… Maggie was moving into different positions, and Leonie massaging her back, stroking downwards and repeating “BRING YOUR BAAABY DOOOOOOWN” with a deep voice and breathing loudly, “DOOOOOOWN!” Maggie tried to escape but Leonie kept her present saying “look at me, look at me” maintaining eye contact and bringing Maggie back into the trance to keep her totally centered. It was definitely happening now and I felt a little silly for asking that question. Obviously this was happening now.
I thought that I would be catching this baby in a cheerful way but no, at this moment I felt that the best position for me was to hold Maggie from behind and let Leonie do the catch. I was sitting on the upside down turned bath tub holding Maggie under her arms. I was thinking at a moment that, fuck, we are such a hippies, giving birth in the kitchen in this little mud-hut in the mountains in Peru…
Maggie felt strong and focused like a tigress but at the same time very weak. I was breathing my strength into her, giving my whole spirit to support my Maggie and our baby. I could almost feel him stretching, kicking his way through the birth canal as I could feel Maggie trying to mobilize her last strengths to push him out.
It felt like she was fading away, too exhausted and got heavier in my arms. Leonie was checking with a pen light, and said something like, “I can see the head”
So came the last strong push, a slopping sound and suddenly a blanket with a warm little body inside. No crying just a little grumbling. Maggie collapsed in my arms as I was holding her from behind. She mumbled something and didn’t have strength to hold him so I held him to her breast. He was here with us now. It probably took about 5 minutes before we even checked if it was a boy or a girl.
It was a beautiful boy. Leonie asked what his name would be and Maggie said “Leo” and I said “Yes his name is Leo”.
We had a few optional names but yes, this was our son Leo. We went to our bedroom and laid down to recuperate with our beautiful son. Leonie came to make a routine examination while we were all in the bed. All looked good so she left us alone in our bubble. Leo slept the rest of the night on my chest in the comfort of the sound from my heart beat. The following days, whenever I held him, I kept him with his little ear to my heart to keep him connected to the sound of the heartbeat. I cried for three days, so happy to have this little beautiful guy with us. My heart wide opened, this is it. My life has a meaning now and I am dedicating it to our son Leo. I love you Leo, thank you for coming to us and I love you Maggie. I love our beautiful Family. Thank you Leonie. Thank you Sue. I love you. Thank you.

Lesage Patricia

Grata ao Universo e a todos os que me deram a liberdade, apoio e confiança para ter o parto, como tanto sonhava e desejava!

Desde o momento que engravidei sabia que queria ter um parto natural – outra forma para mim não fazia sentido, sobretudo vendo que nossas antepassadas pariam de forma natural, que a humanidade chegou até nossos tempos dando à Luz por sua própria Força! Não era agora, em uma quantas dezenas de anos, que se iria irradicar algo tão natural da natureza humana e da própria vida. Com essa convicção, e ainda mais depois de falar com meus avós e eles me contarem que seus 4 filhos nasceram em casa, tomei a minha decisão: eu ia parir em casa!

Mas a minha decisão, públicamente assumida, criou alguma polémica, sobretudo depois de ter tido um descolamento da placenta e necessitar de repouso absoluto, no hospital. Mesmo assim, uma vez que já me sentia recuperada (e provavelmente por ter estado no hospital) a minha convicção manteve-se e ficou até mais forte.
Em Portugal não encontrei o apoio que procurava (na altura havia pouco tempo que as Doulas estavam por Portugal:) e foi durante um retiro de Vipassana que decidi regressar ao país de origem do meu companheiro – sabendo, sem saber como, que lá iria encontrar o que procurava. Tive de me despachar, pois já me acercava à semana 28, data limite para poder viajar de avião, segundo as companhias aéreas.

Assim bem redonda cheguei ao Peru, confiante de que ia encontrar alguém. Mas não encontrava a pessoa e o lugar adequados, as semanas iam passando e a ansiedade ia aumentando. Por fim cheguei a casa de Leonie, quando a conheci sabia que era ali e era que era ela que me ia guiar pelo desconhecido, junto com o meu companheiro, mãe e alguns amigos… assim eu o tinha idealizado, como uma festa:)
Desde o primeiro momento toda a sua presença transmitiu-me confiança e ainda mais feliz fiquei de saber a sua trajectória, sua experiência e suas convicções.
A Leonie foi super clara, ela iria estar presente – sim, mas o parto era meu e eu é que era quem teria de fazer o trabalho de parto. Ela estaria presente por se houvesse necessidade, mas que iria intervir o mínimo possível (que sorte!). Que havia sempre um plano A e um plano B e que eu tinha todo o direito de tentar o primeiro plano. Que apreciava a minha decisão consciente de ter um parto em casa, e que nós como casal tereriamos de assumir a responsabilidade perante essa decisão (lógico!).

Em retrospectiva o parto correu super bem, exactamente como tinha de ser, todo o processo hormonal de oxitocina, adrenalina, endorfinas… Tudo o que eu senti, … o medo, a coragem, o transe, a dúvida, o cansanço, o desespero, a vida e a morte, a escolha, a determinação, o acreditar, a força, a força, a força… o poder, o alivio, o extasis, a luz, a alegria, a ternura, o cansaço e o Amor, Amor, Amor…
até agora:)

Realmente e como me disse a Leonie, o parto é um portal e as mulheres que passam por ele transformam-se e adquirem um Poder extraordinário que ninguém lhes pode tirar.

Estou eternamente grata a minhas filhas, minha mãe, minha avó e todas minhas antepassadas por me mostrarem que sim se pode.

Grata também ao meu companheiro e minha mãe que respeitaram minha escolha e que me apoiaram incondicionalmente nela.

Grata à parteira Leonie Lange por me dar a segurança e a confiança que necessitava; á Marlis Ferreyros (last-minute doula:) que apareceu como por magia para assegurar a minha presença consciente e apoiar a Leonie. Grata também a todas as outras pessoas que de uma ou outra forma nos apoiaram e contribuiram para a Vida.

Parabéns Ianna do meu coração!

Patrícia Lesage

Maggie O’Brien

My pregnancy journey began in Ireland. I spent the first 5 ½ months there receiving prenatal care at Wexford General Hospital. I met different doctors and midwives every time. They would call my name off a list and do their jobs as if on autopilot. Some even made snide remarks about my lifestyle choices- being a vegetarian and living in Peru was unacceptable to them. I hated going there.
When I arrived back in the Valley I arranged to see Leonie. It was so nice to arrive at her beautiful home surrounded by nature, and be greeted with a smile, a hug, a kiss and a pat on the belly. This was exactly what I had been missing! Somebody who remembered my name and showed genuine concern for me and my baby’s well-being.
For the next few months she answered all our questions and gave us so much support. She even came to the scan with us in Cuzco. When my contractions started, we weren’t sure if it was the real thing or not- but she still came. I had read a lot about orgasmic birthing and had even tried some hypnobabies self-hypnosis in the months before. What a waste of time! Beautiful as it was, giving birth to my baby pushed me beyond the limits of the boundaries of my imagination. Leonie was so strong and calm during the whole experience. It was as if nothing could shake her. When I cried out that my water had broken, she smiled and said ‘okay, good’. She was so mindful and respectful of me and Michael’s space and experience. When I felt tired she made me a ’magic bath’ with herbs to let me relax and restore my energy. I felt really safe and supported throughout the whole experience.
For the delivery itself, I could decide how and where I wanted to be. Leonie held my hands and encouraged me during the tough moments. My baby was given the opportunity to arrive in his own time- at home with candles and people who love him, without metal tools, loud noises, blinding bright lights and blue plastic. He didn’t even cry when he came out! It was the most amazing night of my life.
Thank you Leonie for everything you did for me and my family- for this beautiful birth. We love you!

Natalia Rodrìguez

Desde niña, me han enseñado a recurrir a la medicina natural para curar mi cuerpo y el de las personas que amo. Aunque a veces resulta difícil y en ocasiones, necesario; también he sabido recurrir a la medicina occidental cuando es necesario. Tengo varias historias que contar para comparar estas medicinas, pero aquí hablare de mis partos, experiencias que han marcado mi vida y me han hecho creer más en lo natural. Vivía en una gran ciudad, con un médico de cabecera al que visitaba anualmente como lo indica la vida, mi ginecólogo. A él recurrí feliz, a contarle que estaba embarazada. Me dijo que tenía que ir cada mes, a control, que yo imaginaba iba a ser algo de rutina e iba a ser la oportunidad para que me contestara todas las dudas que pudiera ir teniendo a medida que mi bebé crecía. Con muchas ganas de saberlo todo, sobre el embarazo y el parto, empecé a leer, cuanto libro se me aparecía, y me empecé a dar cuenta que él, en el que confiaba tanto, iba a ser un camino seguro hacia la cesárea. Cada pregunta que le hacía, que pasa si no viene de cabeza? Cesárea, que pasa si rompo fuente primero que el periodo de dilatación? Cesárea. Mis dudas y mi miedo crecían más. Me mordió un perro cuando tenía 6 meses de embarazo, y al llegar a su consultorio después de 1 mes de la mordida, me dijo que tenía que ponerme la vacuna contra la rabia. Yo que ya me había informado que si el perro tenia rabia, mi bebe y yo moriríamos en 14 días a más tardar, huí de su consultorio y busque un ginecobstetra botánico, un médico que mezclaba la medicina occidental y sobre todo las yerbas. A mí y a mi bebé nos encantó, estuve tranquila, sin presión, cualquier molestia me mandaba un baño o una infusión, nuestro embarazo fue lo mejor. Hasta que llegó el momento del parto, semana 40, la barriga gigante, me dijo que si él bebe seguía creciendo, lo más seguro era que tuviéramos que hacer una cesárea por que no iba a salir por donde tenía que salir. Yo, preocupada, volví a donde mi ginecólogo anterior para consultarle si coincidía con su opinión. Después de hacerle unas pruebas horribles a mi bebe, me dijo que él bebe estaba muy bien y que si el medico quería inducir el parto era porque lo consideraba conveniente. Termine citada a las 8 am, en la clínica, con oxitocina en la vena, teniendo contracciones irregulares cada 1 minuto, donde aconsejada por mi médico botánico y el dolor insoportable, accedí a ponerme la epidural, ya que llevaba 3 horas y solo tenía 4 cm de dilatación, y un dolor inaguantable. Solo quería que me pusieran la anestesia, me rompieron la fuente, no sentía las contracciones, fue un parto guiado, el médico me dijo cuándo pujar, tuve a una enfermera saltando encima de mi barriga, y me cortaron 10 cm. Èl, quien me había asegurado un parto natural, dejo al final, todo su conocimiento a un lado. Estaba feliz por el nacimiento de mi hija, pero la recuperación fue la peor. Ella adormecida, no comía, en la clínica, le dieron un biberón de leche de formula sin consultarme, le pusieron vacunas sin consultarme, le dieron su primer baño, sin mi participación. Yo estaba adormecida, cansada. Las enfermeras no paraban de entrar a ofrecerme vacunas, exámenes, congelación de células madres, parecía un bazar.
Me mude, al valle sagrado, y aquí conocí por fin a Leoni, que aunque ella no lo sepa, trate de conocerla cuando estaba de visita ya embarazada de mi primera hija, no lo logré, pero nunca supe que iba a terminar lográndolo y que sería ella quien recibiera a mi segundo hijo. El embarazo fue hermoso, y el parto, aunque fuera mi segundo, fue en realidad el primero. Mis contracciones empezaron un sábado, cada hora, se iban, y volvían, el domingo camine casi 3 horas, sintiendo como mi bebé se iba acomodando, y viendo como la barriga estaba más abajo. Leoni, telefónicamente me tranquilizaba y me decía que la llamara cuando las contracciones fueran cada 10 minutos. Me acosté esa noche, sabiendo que mi hijo iba a nacer pronto. Fueron aumentando a cada 30 minutos, cada 15, cada 5, pero yo lograba levantarme, pasar la contracción y volver a dormir, solo fue hasta que ya no podía volver a la cama, porque la contracción no paraba; cuando le dije a mi esposo que llamara a Leoni porque el bebe ya iba a nacer, llego rápido, y al verme, dijo con mucha seguridad “vamos a preparar la llegada del bebe” sin ni siquiera tocarme. Tuve una contracción, ella, me dio un masaje que alivió todo el dolor, y después de esa contracción, a la siguiente, nació el bebé, rompiendo fuente, y con su cabeza afuera, lo tuve que sostener, ya sabíamos que venía con el cordón enrollado, ya Leoni me había dado instrucciones, tenía que sostenerlo mientras ella le desenrollaba el cordón, lo hizo, con un huevo en su cabecita, perfecto! Para mí fue como un orgasmo, fue mi primer parto, la reconciliación con mi naturaleza de madre. En mi casa, con mi familia, su hermana, su papá y su mamá. Una gran fiesta de bienvenida!
Gracias Leoni, por estar presente como partera, como médica para mis hijos y para nosotros y si la vida lo permite, espero que recibas de la misma forma a mi tercer hijo.

Julia Roberio y Eva Sisay

Hola! Nosotros somos Julia Roberio y Eva Sisay!
La conocimos a Leonie alla por febrero del año pasado.
Yo estaba embarazada de 7 meses y medio y ya teniamos de hace tiempo al idea de tener un parto natural en la casa con una partera.
Desde que empezamos a tener ese pensamiento no parabamos de escuchar Leonie, Leonie, Leonie… de las mas diversas bocas y en los mas reconditos lugares
Finalmente unos amigos nos pasaron su telefono y la fuimos a ver a Urubamba, llenos de dudas y de ansiedad acerca de su persona…..
Después de la primer consulta no costo mucho decidirnos…. Ella nos iba a ayudar a parir! Vimos en seguida una persona responsable, muy sabia y llena de ternura
Habia varios puntos a tratar, yo estaba un poco anemica, tenia una varice importante en la ingle asi que Leonie nos dio una serie de pautas a seguir, aguas de tiempo de cola de caballo con ortiga, levadura de cerveza unas cepilladas matinales en la ingle y otros preparados para baños ya que tenia cierto flujo y cierta molestia…
A la siguiente consulta mi anemia ya estaba mejor, y las molestias se habian ido!
Y después simplemente llego el momento en que empece a sentir unos pequeeeños dolores y hubo que llamarla…. Una larga noche de llamados …. Hasta que Leo dio la sentencia: salgo para alla dijo
Legaron ella y Monica su asistente, prepraron todas las cosas necesarias para el parto en mi habitación y mientras iba tomando varias tasas de un tecito , siempre de plantas,,,, me prepararon un baño riquísimo de asiento para poder descansar ya que en la noche no habia podido dormir nadaaaa
Fue alucinante!!!el cuerpo se relajo totalmente y las contracciones frenaron bastante y asi pude recobrar fuerzas!
Después nos fuimos a caminar masomenos 1 hora y media y cuando volvimos ya faltaba muy poco!!!
Con tres posturas especiales y unos masajes muy aliviadores pasaron las ultimas contracciones, y colgada de una sabana en al patio ya empezaba asentirse que Eva se venia… y casi viene ahí nomas en el patio!!! Hasta que tome fuerza y subimos a la habitación…mucha energia inundo el valle en ese momento un viento fuerte con un poco de llovizna nos acompaño en las ultimas pujadas y con la calma y el regreso del sol Evita conocio este loco mundo!!!!
Enseguida Leonie la coloco en mis brazos y tuve la sensación mas placentera que mi alma mi cuerpo y mi mente llegaron a conocer hasta el dia de hoy en mi corta vida….
Recibir un hijo con toda la naturalidad que la fuerza universal de la creación nos dio!!
Después vino comer la placenta!!!!! Eso fue loquisimo mi compañero y mis amigos probaron tambien!!! Y después de unos dias un fajado alucinante con plantas!!!
Y como Evita nacio con el puño levantado (según Leonie toda una che revolucionaria!) tuve un pequeño desgarro que no tuve ni tiempo de verlo porque Leonie me preparo unos emplastos con platas y cuando me quise mirar a los 4 dias ya estaba cicratizado!!!
Increíble pero real…. Les recomiendo altamente esta experiencia… Mi gordita tiene ahora 5 meses y recordamos ese momento magico dia a dia con alegria!!!!
Un abrazo grande para Leonie y otro para toda futura madre que este leyendo esto!!!!